Mariners Medico Guide

You have free access to the Mariners Medico Guide, approved by the Norwegian Flag State as its equivalent national medical guide to the WHO International Medical Guide for Ships. Developed by Gard and the Norwegian Centre for Maritime and Diving Medicine to improve health protection and medical care of seafarers onboard ships.

The Mariners Medico Guide offers up-to-date, fast access and easy-to-use medical guidance. A comprehensive practical symptom-based approach, designed and verified by doctors specialised in maritime medicine, delivering guidance step-by-step, advising when and how to get expert medical advice when needed.

Download the app directly onto your mobile device or PC to ensure you have full access even when offline. Make sure to be in an area with good mobile coverage when first downloading (approximately 100 MB of content).

Rolf Thore Roppestad

I personally believe this App shows how seriously we value the health and wellbeing of seafarers. We are ensuring they have access to up-to-date medical support as quickly as possible when needed.

Eivind Hansen

Haukeland University Hospital is strongly committed to health at sea. This app complements our telemedical services at sea and facilitates better access to basic health care for all seafarers.

Knut Arild Hareide

Since 1923, Radio Medico has improved the safety and security for seafarers all over the world. It is very positive that access for seafarers to medical guidance on board will be strengthened with an app.